First row, left to right, Paul Ulrich, Barbara Worcester (John’s sister), Cecilia Knuckey Lubick, Patty Skedd Haggerty, and, far right, Carole Evans Brown.

Second row (kind of): Carol Herbert Rathke, behind Carol in the green shirt Diane Wulf Sholey, Carol Rieger, Harriet Pedlar Evans, Judy Bork Scott, Darlene Clark Olenick, Sharon Skedd Hoar, Lorinda Smith Moholt, Stella Stephenson Broughton, and right below Stella, Judy Williams Cyr peaking out from behind Zena Beth McGlashan.

Back row(s): John Worcester, Arlan Rathke, Chuck Larson, Mary Ann Maloney Larson, Connie Corrette Kenney (who only went to first grade at McK., then switched to I.C.), behind her, Don Pedlar, John Hauck and Ernie Smith.

Not attending the tour but at the reunion were McKinley graduates George Vivian, Sandy Martinsen Kiechbusch, Kathy Kroeze Gibbons, Mike Freebourn and Jim Rowling.

The morning of Reunion Day One, McKinley School graduates gathered at the old building on West Park for a tour arranged by our bundle of reunion energy, Judy Bork Scott.   Judy’s been saying for years that she wanted the McKinley “kids” to wander through the halls again.   The school is now the Park Street Baptist Church;   when the school board closed the school, it sold the building to the Baptists for a dollar, for which we all are grateful.   The Baptists have taken good care of it and have given a warm welcome to lots of McKinley “kids” from other reunions.

Some of those pictured did not graduate McKinley in ’52 or ’53 but wanted to see the old school too.   If all of us look slightly confused, we were faced with a variety of photographers so weren’t quite sure which way to look!

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Page created: Aug. 27, 2006 and modified: Aug. 18, 2015